【预售 按需印刷】技术的知识占有:现代性论述,1900-1939 The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology 进口英文正版书籍
预售 挪用与发明:西属美洲的三个世纪艺术 艺术画册画集 Jorge F. Rivas Pérez 英文原版 Appropriation and Invention: Three C
[预订]Les jardins alpins d’Henry Correvon : entre appropriation et protection de la nature 9782940711215
【预订】Adaptation and Appropriation
【预订】The Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine Appropriation of the Past
预订 Malfeasance: Appropriation Through Pollution?
[预订]Territorial Appropriation during the Old Kingdom (XXVIIIth-XXIIIrd centuries BC) 9781407300115
【预售】Allusion and Intertext: Dynamics of Appropriation in
【预售】Who Owns Culture?: Appropriation and Authenticity in
【预订】The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation...
【预售】Language and Colonial Power: The Appropriation of
【预售】Cultural Appropriation and the Arts
预订 Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change 阅读希腊语和希腊化-罗马语 Sp
【预售】The Commercial Appropriation of Personality
【预售】英文原版 Appropriation and Invention 挪用和发明 Hirmer Jorge F Rivas Perez 涵盖西班牙美洲三个世纪的杰作艺术书籍
[预订]Evolving Egypt: Innovation, Appropriation, and Reinterpretation in Ancient Egypt 9781407309903
【预售】Shakespeare and Appropriation
【预售】Ownership and Appropriation
【预售】The Appropriation of Ecological Space
预订 Shakespeare and Cultural Appropriation: 9781032303109
预订 Cross-National Appropriation of Work Systems: Japanese Firms in the Uk 跨国工作系统的挪用:英国的日本企业: 978184376
【预订】Nordic Noir, Adaptation, Appropriation
【预订】Philology and the Appropriation of the World: Champollion’s Hierog 9783031128936
预订 The Representation of Slavery in the Greek Novel: Resistance and Appropriation 希腊小说中奴隶制的表现:抵抗与挪用:
预订 The Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine Appropriation of the Past 君士坦丁尼亚和拜占庭过去侵占节选: 9781108
预售 按需印刷 Adaptation and Cultural Appropriation
【预售 按需印刷】Cultural Appropriation and the Arts
【预售按需印刷】Speech Of Mr. Chas. Hudson Of Massachusetts On The Three Million Appropriation Bill (1847)
预售 按需印刷 Shakespeare and Cultural Appropriation
预售 按需印刷Studyguide for Commercial Appropriation of Personality by Beverley-Smith Huw ISBN 9780521052528
【预售 按需印刷】Appropriation of Bollywood Movies by Poor Youth in Addis Ababa
【预售 按需印刷】A Memorial to Congress to Secure an Adequate Appropriation
预售 按需印刷Love. Appropriation. Music. Baby.
预售 按需印刷 The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology
【预售 按需印刷】Uses and Appropriation of Ict in Development
预订 Haig and Kitchener in Twentieth-Century Britain: Remembrance, Representation and Appropriation 20世纪英国的黑格与基
[预订]The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Global Appropriation
海外直订Genealogy and Identity: The Genealogical Evidence for the Appropriation of Early 系谱与身份:古代希腊大陆城
预订 Philology and the Appropriation of the World
【预售】Adaptation and Cultural Appropriation: Literature
【预订】Temporary Appropriation in Cities
预订 Emmanuel Levinas and the Limits to Ethics: A Critique and a Re-Appropriation 列维纳斯与道德限度: 9780415843317
预订 Haig and Kitchener in Twentieth-Century Britain: Remembrance, Representation and Appropriation 伯爵Kitchener伯爵黑
海外直订The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology: Discourses on Modernity, 1900-1939 技术的智力占有
海外直订Shakespeare and the Ethics of Appropriation 莎士比亚与挪用伦理
预订 Terms of Appropriation
预订 Wages, Bonuses and Appropriation of Profit in the Financial Industry: The Working Rich: 9781138343801
【预售】Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in
【预售】Britain Colonized: Hollywood's Appropriation of
【预售】Exclusive Use in an Inclusive Environment: The Meaning of the Non-Appropriation Principle for Space Resour...
海外直订Chaos at the Crossroads - The Appropriation of Chaos Theory by Literature and Fe 十字路口的混沌——文学与女
海外直订Reusing Open Source Code: Value Creation and Value Appropriation Perspectives on 重用开源代码:知识重用的价
预订 Global Spencerism: The Communication and Appropriation of a British Evolutionist 全球斯宾塞哲学主义:英国进化论者的
【预订】Shakespeare’s Global Sonnets: Translation, Appropriation, Performa 9783031094712
海外直订The Celtic Revival in Shakespeare's Wake: Appropriation and Cultural Politics in 莎士比亚苏醒时的凯尔特复兴
海外直订Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in Argentina 挪用作为实践:阿根廷的艺术和身份
预订 The Ethical Implications of Shakespeare in Performance and Appropriation 莎士比亚在表演和挪用中的伦理意义: 97813995
海外直订Art, Media Design, and Postproduction: Open Guidelines on Appropriation and Remi 艺术,媒体设计和后期制作:
海外直订Terms of Appropriation: Modern Architecture and Global Exchange 挪用条款:现代建筑与全球交流
[预订]Shakespeare and Cultural Appropriation
预订 Wages, Bonuses and Appropriation of Profit in the Financial Industry: The working rich 金融业的工资、奖金与利润分配
【预订】The Politics of Appropriation 9780199736119
【预售】Cannibal Culture: Art, Appropriation, and the
预订 Emmanuel Levinas and the Limits to Ethics: A Critique and a Re-Appropriation: 9781138217669
预订 Reframing Albrecht Dürer: The Appropriation of Art, 1528–1700: 9781138247055
海外直订Aboriginal Art, Identity and Appropriation 土著艺术、身份和占有
预订 Latinitas Perennis. Volume II: Appropriation and Latin Literature 拉丁文字:*卷,挪用和拉丁文学: 9789004176836
海外直订The Political Economy of Conflict and Appropriation 冲突与挪用的政治经济学
预订 Transforming Innovations in Africa: Explorative Studies on Appropriation in African Societies 非洲转化创新:非洲社
预订 The Sceptical Road: Aenesidemus’ Appropriation of Heraclitus 怀疑之路:爱那西德谟对赫拉克利特哲学的解释: 978900413
海外直订Cutting Across Media: Appropriation Art, Interventionist Collage, and Copyright 跨越媒体:挪用艺术、干涉主
海外直订Consuming Architecture: On the Occupation, Appropriation and Interpretation of B 消费建筑:论建筑的占用、挪
海外直订Green Grabbing: A New Appropriation of Nature 抢绿:对自然的新挪用
【预订】Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry
预订 Green Grabbing: A New Appropriation of Nature
预订 Opera From the Greek: Studies in the Poetics of Appropriation: 9781138249813
预订 The Representation of Slavery in the Greek Novel: Resistance and Appropriation 希腊小说中奴隶制的表现:抵制与挪用:
预订 Cannibal Culture: Art, Appropriation, And The Commodification Of Difference: 9780367314774
预订 Reuse Value: Spolia and Appropriation in Art and Architecture from Constantine to Sherrie Levine: 9781138246768
【预订】Authorship and Appropriation
现货 【中商原版】新批判俗语系列 适应和挪用 英文原版 The New Critical Idiom Adaptation and Appropriation
海外直订Fruitlandia: Understanding Cultural Appropriation 《了解文化挪用》
海外直订Commercial Appropriation of Fame 名誉的商业占有
海外直订Writing the Way Out; Inheritance and Appropriation in Aemilia Lanyer, Isabella W 写出路;艾米莉亚·兰耶、伊莎
海外直订Originalcopy: Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation 原创:后数字挪用策略
预订 Stealing the Fire: Adaptation, Appropriation, Plagiarism, Hoax in French and Francophone Literature and Film 偷火:
预订 The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Global Appropriation Routledge 莎士比亚与全球拨款手册: 9781138050198
海外直订The Appropriation of Ecological Space: Agrofuels, Unequal Exchange and Environme 生态空间的占用:农业燃料、
海外直订Shakespeare and Appropriation 莎士比亚和拨款