[预订]One-Dimensional Empirical Measures, Order Statistics, and Kantorovich Transport Distances 9781470436506
海外直订Newton's Method: An Updated Approach of Kantorovich's Theory 牛顿法:康托洛维奇理论的更新方法
【4周达】Wassily W. Leontief, Leonid V. Kantorovich, Tjalling C. Koopmans and Richard N. Stone: 4 [9781847208408]
预订Newton's Method: an Updated Approach of Kantorovich's Theory
【4周达】Newton's Method: An Updated Approach of Kantorovich's Theory [9783319559759]
预订 One-Dimensional Empirical Measures, Order Statistics, and Kantorovich Transport Distances [9781470436506]
正版现货直发优化规划集 (苏)列奥尼德·V.康托罗维奇(Leonid V.Kantorovich) 著,王铁生 译 9787100110488 商务印书馆