Language Teaching: Evaluation 评估进口英文原版书籍
牛津教学方案系列 评估 英文原版 Language Teaching Evaluation 阅读语法词汇写作 教师教学 英文版 进口英语书籍
正版 Bibliometrics and Research Evaluation 英文原版 进口英语书籍
【预订】Program Evaluation
【预售】Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval Models
【预售】Evaluation Ambient Air Quality by Personnel Monitoring: Volume 1: Gases and Vapors
【预售】Socioeconomic Evaluation of Megaprojects
【预售】Counseling Assessment and Evaluation: Fundamental
【预售】Evaluation for the 21st Century: A Handbook
英文原版 医学检验分类与预测的统计评价 The Statistical Evaluation of Medical Tests for Classification and Prediction
【预售】Evaluation of Criminal Responsibility
【预售】Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial
【预售】Researching Into Assessment & Evaluation
【预售】The Evaluation Handbook for Health Professionals
【预售】Reevaluating Evaluation: Number 4
【预订】Measurement and Evaluation in Post-Secondary ESL
【预售】Education Research and Evaluation: For Policy and
【预售】The Design of Instruction and Evaluation:
【预售】Teacher and Student Evaluation: Moving Beyond the
【预订】Continuing Evaluation Of The Use Of Fluorides
预订 Smart Evaluation and Integrated Design in Regional Development: Territorial Scenarios in Trentino, Italy 区域发展中
预订 Realist Evaluation for Crime Science: Essays in Honour of Nick Tilley 犯罪科学的现实主义评价:纪念尼克·蒂利文集: 9
【预售】Tutor Evaluation by Self-Assessment ...
【预售】Emerging Technologies for Food Quality and Food Safety Evaluation
【预售】Program Evaluation Theory and Practi...
【预售】Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
【预售】Evaluation of performance of selecte...
【预售】Quantitative Evaluation of Computing and
【预售】Evaluation of Technology Policy Programmes in
【预售】Comparative Evaluation of Focused Retrieval: 9th
【预售】Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling
【预售】Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing
【预售】Biomechanics in Dentistry: Evaluation of Different
【预订】Evaluation Concepts & Methods
【预售】Performance Evaluation, Measurement and
【预售】Multimedia QoE Evaluation
【预售】Evaluation of Science and Technology Education at
【预订】Evaluation of Statistical Matching a...
【预售】Evaluation and Library Decision Making
【预订】Performance Evaluation and Benchmark...
【预售】Computer Performance Evaluation Modelling Techniques
【预订】Verification and Evaluation of Compu...
【预售】Focused Retrieval and Evaluation: 8th International
【预订】Evaluation of Novel Approaches to So...
【预订】Synthesis and Vaccine Evaluation of ...
【预订】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems
【预售】Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiaries
【预订】Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourci...
【预售】Quantitative Evaluation of Fire and EMS Mobilization
【预售】Multilingual Information Access Evaluation I: Text
【预售】Computer Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking:
【预售】Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication
【预售】Evaluation of Natural Language and Speech Tool for
【预售】Cyber Physical Systems. Design, Modeling, and Evaluation: 7th International Workshop, CyPhy 2017, Seoul, S...
【预售】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems
【预订】Evaluation of Groundwater Resources ...
【预订】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: ...
【预订】Mixed-Method Evaluation of Watershed...
【预订】Modern Functional Evaluation Methods...
【预售】Evaluation of Novel Approaches to So...
【预售】Evaluation of Online Higher Education:
【预售】Test-Driven Development: An Empirical Evaluation of
【预售】Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software
【预订】Continuous Fuzzy Evaluation Methods:...
【预售】Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems
【预售】Infrastructure Productivity Evaluation
【预售】Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems: A Systematic Framework Towards Design and Evaluation of Trust and Trus...
【预售】Regional Perspectives on Policy Evaluation
【预售】Programme Evaluation and Treatment Choice
【预订】Data-Driven Policy Impact Evaluation
【预售】Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking for the Era of Artificial Intelligence
【预售】Product Performance Evaluation Using CAD/Cae: The
【预售】Economic Evaluation in Genomic Medicine
【预订】Obesity: Evaluation and Treatment Es...
【预售】Educational Assessment, Evaluation and
【预售】Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Activity Applications
【预售】Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science
【预订】Delivering Psycho-educational Evaluation Results to Parents
【预售】Language Program Evaluation: Theory and Practice
英文原版 Bibliometrics and Research Evaluation 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Effective Teacher Evaluation: A Guide for Princip
【预售】Evaluation Essentials, Second Editio...
【预售】Evaluation in the Face of Uncertainty: Anticipating
【预订】Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation, 3e
【预售】Teacher Self-Evaluation Tool Kit
【预售】Staff Development Programs: A Guide to Evaluation
【预售】Rethinking the Indus: A Comparative Re-Evaluation...
【预售】Counseling Programs: A Guide to Evaluation
【预售】A Practical Guide to the Evaluation ...
【预售】Evaluation Of Seafood Freshness Quality
Essentials of Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and Assessment, Second Edition 自闭症谱系障碍评价与评估精要 第2版: 9
【预售】Performance Evaluation of Multi-User Uwb
【预售】Conceptualizing the Evaluation of Clinical
【预售】Evaluation Von Programmen Und Projekten Fur Eine