【特价】Fashion Trend Forecasting 时尚趋势预测 英文原版潮流时尚图书
【特价】Fashion Trend Forecasting 时尚趋势预测 英文原版潮流时尚图书英文原版图书籍进口正版
【现货特价】时尚趋势预测英文时尚风格与历史平装Fashion Trend Forecasting Gwyneth Holland著Laurence King出版
【现货】[XJ]Fashion Trend Forecasting 时尚趋势预测 英文原版潮流时尚图书
【特价】Fashion Trend Forecasting 时尚趋势预测 英文原版潮流时尚图书书籍进口
英文原版 Fashion Trend Forecasting 时尚趋势预测 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Fashion Trend Forecasting 时尚趋势预测
[预订]The Development of a Weather-typing System for Extended-range Forecasting 9781015178182
[预订]Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python 9783031135866
预订 Fashion Buying: From Trend Forecasting to Shop Floor: 9781350280571
[预订]Methods of Crop Forecasting 9781015062818
【预售】Forecasting Non-Stationary Economic Time Series
[预订]Weather Forecasting and Weather Types on the North Pacific Slope 9781018964812
英文原版 Yield Curve Modeling and Forecasting 收益曲线模型与预测 纳尔逊·西格尔动态方法 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
[预订]Forecasting Weather 9781019107478
【预订】Practical Time Series Forecasting: A...
预订 The Little (illustrated) Book of Operational Forecasting: 9781789013429
[预订]Wind, Sea and Swell: Theory of Relations for Forecasting 9781013817090
【预售】Statistics, Econometrics and Forecasting
[预订]Weather Forecasting in the United States 9781021661814
预订 Time Series with Python: How to Implement Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Python: 9780648783077
[预订]On Wind Generated Ocean Waves With Special Reference to the Problem of Wave Forecasting 9781018153773
Yield Curve Modeling and Forecasting: The Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Approach收益曲线模型与预测:纳尔逊·西格尔动态方法: 978
【预售】Survive the Odds: Forecasting the Health of Your
预订 Forecasting: An Appraisal for Policy-Makers and Planners 预测:对政策制定者和规划者的评估: 9780801822735
【预售】Time Series Prediction: Forecasting the Future and
【预售】River Ice Processes and Ice Flood Forecasting
【预订】Weather Analysis and Forecasting
[预订]Be Your Own Weatherman; a Book on Practical Weather Forecasting for the Outdoor Enthusiast 9781014061393
【预售】Forecasting Sales with the Personal Computer:
【预售】Nonextrapolative Methods in Business Forecasting:
【预售】The Distortion Theory of Macroeconomic Forecasting:
预订 Energy Management: Big Data in Power Load Forecasting 能源管理:电力负荷预测大数据: 9780367706623
预订 Forecasting Travel in Urban America: The Socio-Technical Life of an Engineering Modeling World 预测美国城市旅行:工
【预售】Stock Market Forecasting Courses
[预订]A Method of Forecasting the Formation of 500-millibar Blocks Using Statistical Parameters. 9781014660848
【预订】Oil and Gas Forecasting
【预售】Operational Weather Forecasting
【预售】Practical Methods for Observing and Forecasting
【预售】The Wetsand Wavecast(r) Guide to Surf Forecasting: A
【预售】SAS for Forecasting Time Series, Thi...
【预订】Fashion Forecasting: Bundle Book + Studio Access Card [With Access Code]
[预订]Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis: The HESPERIA HORIZON 2020 Project and Beyo 9781013270055
预订 Car Ownership Forecasting
【预订】Operational Flood Forecasting, Warni...
预订 Forecasting: An Essential Introduction 预测:基本介绍: 9780300244663
[预订]Methods of Crop Forecasting 9781014248589
【预售】Forecasting Profits Using Price & Time
【预售】Forecasting Company Profits
现货 英文原版 Advances in Business and Management Forecasting (Advances in Business... 9781787430709
【预售】Managing the Future: A Guide to Forecasting and
【预订】Pricing and Forecasting Carbon Marke...
【预售】Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting
预订 Power System State Estimation and Forecasting
[预订]Principles of Forecasting by Means of Weather Charts 9781018041254
[预订]An Investigation of Practical Hurricane Surge Forecasting. 9781014784667
预订 Forecasting Marketing Performance Via Web Data Mining: 9783659413032
【预售】Exam Prep for Sales Forecasting Management: A Dem
【预售】The Art of Modeling Dynamic Systems: Forecasting for
【预售】Profit From Your Forecasting Software
【预订】Business Forecasting
预订 Ultimate Enterprise Data Analysis and Forecasting using Python
预订 Climate Forecasting Through Stochastic Modelling and Neural Networks: 9786207649341
【预售】Development of a Forecasting Model to Predict the
【预订】Chaos and Forecasting - Proceedings of the Royal Society Discussion Meeting
[预订]Forecasting the Climate of the Future: Droughts of the Future 9781435887466
预订 Mastering Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python
[预订]Intelligent Optimization Modelling in Energy Forecasting 9783039283644
[预订]Advances in Hydrological Forecasting 9783036516806
【预售】Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting [With
【预售】Sas System For Forecasting Time Series, Second
[预订]Advances in Time Series Forecasting: Volume 1 9781608055227
【预订】Advanced Forecasting with Python 9781484271490
【预订】Financial Forecasting, Analysis and ...
[预订]The 8th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting 9783036554518
现货 英文原版 Fashion Trends:Analysis and Forecasting (Understanding Fashion)... 9781847882936
【预售】Real Estate Modelling and Forecasting
预订 Forecasting With Out-Liars: Mitigating Blame, Bias, and Apathy in Your Planning Process to Drive Meaningful and Sus
预订 Scanning the Skies: A History of Tornado Forecasting
预订 Forecasting for the Pharmaceutical Industry: Models for New Product and In-Market Forecasting and How to Use Them
预订 An Introduction to Technological Forecasting 技术预测导论: 9780815364986
预订 Forecasting Techniques for Urban and Regional Planning 城市和区域规划的预测技术: 9781138480599
【预售】Financial Planning Using Excel: Forecasting
[预订]Heart Disease Forecasting in Healthcare 9789797470517
预订 Core Concepts and Methods in Load Forecasting
【预售】Forecasting and Assessing Risk of Individual Electricity Peaks
【预订】Developments in Demographic Forecasting 9783030424749
【预售】Stock Market Modeling and Forecasting: A System A
【预订】Ionospheric Prediction and Forecasting
【预售】Wind Field and Solar Radiation Characterization and Forecasting: A Numerical Approach for Complex Terrain