【预售 按需印刷】A Brief Introduction to Symplectic and Contact Manifolds
预售 按需印刷 Symplectic Topology and Floer Homology
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【4周达】Lectures on Symplectic Manifolds [9780821816790]
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【4周达】Introduction to Orthogonal, Symplectic and Unitary Representations of Finite Groups [9780821842713]
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【4周达】Symplectic Difference Systems: Oscillation and Spectral Theory [9783030193720]
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【4周达】An Introduction to Compactness Results in Symplectic Field Theory [9783642315428]
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【4周达】Singularity Theory and Equivariant Symplectic Maps [9783540572961]
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【4周达】Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems [9783764321673]
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【4周达】An Introduction to Compactness Results in Symplectic Field Theory [9783662522448]
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预订 Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions 法国数学学会 [9782856298459]
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现货 辛拓扑导论 Introduction to Symplectic Topology [9780198794905]
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【4周达】Symplectic Geometry: A Festschrift in Honour of Claude Viterbo's 60th Birthday [9783031191107]
【4周达】Geometry of Low-Dimensional Manifolds: Volume 2: Symplectic Manifolds and Jones-Witten Theory [9780521400015]
【4周达】Gauge Theory and Symplectic Geometry [9780792345008]
【4周达】Symplectic and Contact Geometry : A Concise Introduction [9783031562242]
【4周达】Deformation Theory and Symplectic Geometry: Proceedings of the Ascona Meeting, June 1996 [9780792345251]
【4周达】Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds [9783034896375]
【4周达】Symplectic Difference Systems: Oscillation and Spectral Theory [9783030193751]
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