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创业板上市公司董事会治理绩效影响因素研究:基于非线的董事会行为中介效应:based on nonlinear mediation effect 赵琳 经济书籍
【现货】 中国社区调解中的权力与中立:调解策略的话语分析:a discourse analysis of mediation strategies 邓一恒著
正版图书 中国社区调解中的权力与中立:调解策略的话语分析:a discourse analysis of mediation strategies 邓一恒著 南开大学出
【官方正版】 The mediation of teacher self-efficacy between teacher stress and teacher burnout among EFL university teac
大学英语教师自我效能在教师工作压力与职业倦怠中的中介作用=The mediation of teacher self-efficacy b...
预订 Botanical Flowers GRAYSCALE Landscape Coloring Books Volume 3: Mediation for Adult
预订 Botanical Flowers GRAYSCALE Landscape Coloring Books Volume 1: Mediation for Adult: 9781537126586
预订 Botanical Flowers GRAYSCALE Landscape Coloring Books Volume 2: Mediation for Adult: 9781537126593
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现货 Activities for Mediation Ideas in Action 调解活动 英文原版进口图书教材教辅参考书【中商原版】
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预订 Untwisting the Author’s Mind: a 28-day yoga & mediation journey for writers: 9798356403170
预订 Yoga Mediation: The Guide for Yoga for Beginners: 9781632874757
【4周达】Affordable Housing Mediation – Building Consensus for Regional Agreements in the Hartford a... [9781558441132]
预订 Adult Coloring Book: De-Stress, Relax & Let Go With 50 Mandala Mediation Patterns: 9781516928477
【4周达】Speaking of Stress Management Through Yoga and Mediation: A Concise and Integrated Guide to ... [9788120778306]
【预售】Conflict Resolution and Mediation: Your Opportunity
预售 按需印刷 Is mediation a viable option for resolving international disputes?
海外直订Untwisting the Author's Mind: a 28-day yoga & mediation journey for writers 解开作者的思想:28天的作家瑜伽和
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【预售】Hearts on Fire: The Tao of Mediation, the Birth o
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海外直订The Treasure Map to Humble Communication: Negotiation, Arbitration, Mediation, a 谦逊沟通的宝图:谈判、仲裁
【4周达】Making Mediation Your Day Job: How to Market Your ADR Business Using Mediation Principles Yo... [9780990332725]
【4周达】The Media Addict's Handbook: Restoring the Quality of Life in the Great Age of Mediation [9780615888842]
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【4周达】Mediation der Zukunft fuer Paare und Familien [9783658334048]
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【4周达】Mediation für mehr Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz : Gesundheitsthemen im Berufsalltag mal ander... [9783658178611]
【4周达】Mediation mit Stellvertretung und Gewaltfreie Kommunikation : Von den Möglichkeiten des Mit... [9783658378332]
【4周达】Mediation durch Einzelcoaching fuer Paare und Familien [9783658333904]
【4周达】Arbeitsgesundheit und Beziehungsqualität durch Mediation : Leitfaden zu Mediation als Sozia... [9783662692080]
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【4周达】Going it Alone: How to set up and market a family mediation business [9781915338006]
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【预售 按需印刷】Divorce Mediation Manual
【4周达】The No-Fight Divorce Book: Use Mediation to Save Money, Reduce Conflict, and End Your Marria... [9780999594261]
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现货 受害人与犯罪者调解手册 The Handbook of Victim Offender Mediation 英文原版 Mark Umbreit 中商原版
海外直订Mediation in Contemporary Native American fiction 当代印第安人小说中的调解
预订 Guided Self Healing & Mindfulness Meditation: Multiple Mediation Scripts Such as Chakra Healing,... [9781800600690]
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海外直订The Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. [A Novel.] 拉尔夫·哈德洛特的调解。【小说】
预订 Peace at Work: The HR Manager’s Guide to Workplace Mediation: 9781500331351
【4周达】Guided Self Healing & Mindfulness Meditation: Multiple Mediation Scripts Such as Chakra Heal... [9781989629246]
【预售】Divorce Mediation Manual
【4周达】Investigation, Mediation, Vindication [9781733482455]
【预售】Family Mediation Practice
【4周达】Raising Mediators: How Smart Parents Use Mediation to Transform Sibling Conflict and Empower... [9780999171707]
【4周达】Mediation in Contemporary Native American Fiction, Volume 15 [9780806129938]
海外直订The Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. a Novel. 拉尔夫·哈德洛特的调解。一本小说。
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